Hastag summer learning journey
In cybersmart we are learing about how to use Google apps fir differnt purpoes. TOday we made our own wordfinf on google slides. I chose to make it about colours.
First we had a chat about bloging with our teacher. The word find we made had to be appropite for our blogs.
For writing we made a copy of the formal letter and we had to write in it and make sure it was a formal letter I blurred some things because they have private items in it and then our teacher had to check it and we sent it to Miss tela’a the teacher after that we had to help others I helped out my friends.
For inquiry we had to put our final design for our bookmarks on the DLO so our teacher could print it for the gala so e can get people to buy our stuff for my bookmarks they are simple designs i had to make them like that because we couldn’t focus on our pencil cases and holders because they would take more time unlike the book marks.
I enjoyed doing the bookmarks
I need to work on being a good designer
I did will at the bookmarks
Today Ls1 had PE we did high jump and link tag if you don’t know what is link tag it is where if you get tagged you have to hold hands and try not break how you will win is that you are the last person standing and for high jump you basically have to jump with the foot that is near the mat and there should be a pole and for us we had to land on our legs so they won’t have to be doing paperwork and they want us to be safe but then later they let us land on our bottoms it was so fun.
In enjoyed the long jump
I need to improve on running
I did well at the long jump and running
Today we had PB4L. It is about famous failures. We had to match up the people with their quotes and failures. It was a bit hard but I enjoyed it. I got help from my friends.
I need to improve on was my timing
I did good at was the failures
I enjoyed was the failures.